Triston Goodwin

About Triston Goodwin

One thought on “Dealing with management in your freelance business Wait, what?

  1. “You have the power to improve your life. You have the tools that you need to be happy. Don’t expect someone else to come along and magically do it for you. ” < Absolutely agree! Nothing will ever change in your life, unless you do something about it. And for freelancer it could be anything: improving your online presence, finding better clients, finding your niche, etc. There are many ways to turn your life around, all you have to do is to take risks and be proactive. Thanks for sharing it on The Open Mic. I'll make it our #PostOfTheDay on all of our social media accounts 🙂 P.S.: By the way, if you're republishing from your personal blog on The Open Mic, you can share the whole blog post. The Open Mic uses canonical URLs to give all the Google juice back to your blog (for example, if you click to share on Facebook you'll see that it links back to your blog). 🙂 P.P.S.: And congrats on publishing your first Open Mic story! High-five from Toronto!

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