Keeping It Simple

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Life becomes tough when you are an adult. You need to work for a living and there are people who depend on you for living (let’s say your kids), who need shelter, food, clothes, etc. Life is made of all kinds of worries and no matter your profession, job title, economic situation, the key for living a good life and truly enjoying it is nothing less than simplicity. How?

Simplicity is found in your lifestyle, in the way you face problems, in the way you treat others and even yourself. There’s something really special and invaluable in simplicity that no other quality has. Reading these simple tips below, you’ll figure out what I’m saying.

  1. Melatonin. This is the hormone that regulates your biological clock. It tells you when it’s the best time to go to sleep and when you don’t pay attention to it, then you need coffee, ‘mate’, tea, or Coke to wake up, which in fact cheat your sleep, but don’t help you think clearly. You’ll give your best when you are rested and you’ll enjoy life better when you are really awake.
  2. Routine. I know it is boring. The thing is that when you have kids who must go to school, a translation project that must be finished, a business that must be run— you can’t live adrift. Don’t stress your life up, just follow a routine and know the time it takes you to do all the basic stuff in your life.
  3. Spending time with your family. Turn your cell phone, computer and TV off and connect yourself to your family. Technology gets you so busy that you don’t pay attention to the world that surrounds you. Feel your family, talk to them, play with them, visit your friends.
  4. Spending time alone. Go out for a walk or go to the gym, relax your muscles and your mind. Most of your inspiration happens when you are relaxed.
  5. Being realistic. You don’t need to commit yourself to doing something you know is impossible. Nothing is impossible? Well, it is when it breaks your routine, when it means not sleeping well or drinking liters of coffee just because.
  6. Keeping it simple. Enjoy little things: a sunny day, a hot chocolate, riding in the woods, a kiss, a movie, a cake, a new book, walking under the rain, your favorite song, a perfume, the sunset.

Life is also made up of these small and simple details. If you learn how to enjoy them, not only your worries will lessen, but you will also become the richest and happiest translator in the world. Give it a try!


Clarisa Pereira G. A.

About Clarisa Pereira G. A.

I am a mother of three, a passionate translator, a bilingual author, a university teacher, and an eternal student #mamáindependiente

2 thoughts on “Keeping It Simple

  1. Wow, how succinct and amazingly spot-on! (And I’m writing this at 4.40 am, trying to cheat my biological clock by polyphasic sleeping, duh.)

    But my mind just begs for #7 — what would that be?

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