Review request template

Ask your translators to review you on The Open Mic!

Use the template below to ask your translators to leave you a 5-star review on The Open Mic. Positive reviews will help you build a strong profile and improve trust.

Internet deserves to know what an awesome company you’re running, don’t you agree? 😉

Review request template

(feel free to modify it to your linking)


Hi {translator’s first name}!

{Your first name} here, from {your company name}. We really enjoyed working with you on the past projects and would appreciate it if you could spend a few minutes of your time to leave us a 5-star review on The Open Mic.

The Open Mic is a new social network and blogging community for professional translators and you can create a free account here.

Once you create and activate your account, visit our profile {insert a link to your Open Mic account here} then click on Reviews tab and write your review.

We’ll also be more than happy to leave our positive review in your profile. 🙂

Thank you so much in advance and have a lovely day!

~ {Your first name} from {your company name}