Tea Komšić

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offlineJoined February 28, 2020Cosmetic industry & beauty, General, IT and communications (general), Law: general, Marketing, PR and/or market research
English to Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian/ Russian language translator. Loving everything that has to do with translation 🙂
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A few things about me

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Editing and Proofreading, Translation
From 1 to 5 years of experience
Bosnian, Croatian, English, Russian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian, English, Russian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian

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My rates

0.08 USD per source word
0.08 USD per source word
From 15 to 25 USD

My fields of expertise and areas of interest

Cosmetic industry & beauty, General, IT and communications (general), Law: general, Marketing, PR and/or market research

My education

University of Sarajevo
English and Russian language and literature