Are you participating in LocJAM 2016? A good opportunity to show off your translation skills

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LocJAM 2016

In case you’ve missed it: there’s a translation contest going on over here, where you’re required to translate a small board game from Engligh into one of the given languages (the picture above says it all).

Yes, a board game this time, although in line with the tradition I expected it to be a videogame, which is actually my specialty. Anyway, it’s not the first time I happen to translate a board game, and this one is horror-themed, so why not?

After all, the contest is conducted by pretty serious people, and the jurors are well known it the world of translation, so every little counts, I suppose.

The whole project contains around 3000 words, so it won’t take you too much time. In return you get a good chance to demonstrate your translation skills to relevant people, gain some of the precious visibility and meet new people while you’re at it.

So what are you waiting for? Participate and win those prizes (professional localization studio tours and/or diplomas)!

Good luck, mates!

Volodymyr Dreval

About Volodymyr Dreval

Translating from English into Russian/Ukrainian s. 1998. In 2012 I set up a video game localization gig Videogames.Translated. Plus doing lots of non video game related translations, 'cause why not?

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