Mohamad Ikhsan

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Joined December 15, 2018Automotive, Aviation and aerospace, Civil Engineering, Law: patents, intellectual property, Mechanical engineering, Technical Translation
Public speaking enthusiast | Bachelor of engineering in aerospace engineering | English to Indonesian translator specialized in patent, engineering, technical translation
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A few things about me

Technical Translation, Translation
From 1 to 5 years of experience
Email, Call/Text, Skype

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My rates

0.14 USD per source word
0.06 USD per source word

Every project is different and I'm afraid there is no such thing as a "one-fits-all" translation rate. There are literally dozens of factors that affect translation rates: the complexity of your source text, file format (hand-written and non-editable electronic documents tend to be much more expensive), how fast you want it back, your budget expectations, etc. Please, contact me and I'll be happy to give you an exact quote.

My fields of expertise and areas of interest

Automotive, Aviation and aerospace, Civil Engineering, Law: patents, intellectual property, Mechanical engineering, Technical Translation
Construction, Industrial gauges and probes, Mathematics and/or statistics, Science, Tourism and travels

My education

Bandung Institute of Technology
Aeronautic and Astronautic Engineering

My biography and experience

Who is Ikhsan

Mohamad Ikhsan is an Indonesian who was born in Tasikmalaya, 1989. Since he was a kid, Ikhsan always had interest in science and engineering. He joint a lot science competitions including astronomical olympiads. It brought him to be a student of ITB, one of the best university in the country.

Not so long after graduating from ITB, he moved to Jakarta. In Jakarta, he joint Toastmasters International, a public speaking club,  in which  he fell in love with communication, especially public speaking. He gave a full dedication in it to master public speaking skills by practicing with a lot of mentors, As a result, he could won many speech contests.

So, when he got a job at a local patent firm as a part of translation division, he could progress further in that field. His communication skill allows him to deliver a detailed translation. His educational background allows him to understand engineering process in order to yield accurate translation. He combined both of them to be excellent in translation.

Educational Background

  • SMA Negeri 1 Cirebon
  • ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) graduated as Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace engineering)

Work Experience

  • Worked with a research team from ITB spesialized in Aerospace Engineering
  • Worked at PT Citilink Indonesia
  • Working at a local patent firm in Jakarta


  • Toastmasters International


  • 3rd place for Best design award for designing a regional transport aircraft with 19 seats.
  • 3rd place winner for Citilink Employee Innovation Award
  • Plenty of Toastmasters speech contests

Why choose Ikhsan

  • Capability to understand the engineering process
  • Detailed Oriented
  • Understand grammatical rules of Bahasa Indonesia