Chris Rothstein

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offlineJoined June 16, 2016Certificates, diplomas, licenses, CVs, Education and/or pedagogy, International organizations, Media/multimedia, Music, Sports, Tourism and travels
Hi, my name is Chris and I am a native English speaker with a degree in Spanish Education. I am looking for translation jobs to increase my Spanish skills and earn some extra money.
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Oleg Semerikov

EN-RU/UK/PL translator: business, marketing, SEO, retail, website localisation. Copywriter: co-author of two ebooks and a blog on translation. Entrepreneur: owner of a boutique translation agency

Julia Thornton

Certified English to Russian translator (American Translators Association)

Magda Falcone

Freelance Translator (EN, FR, PT, ES > IT), Proofreader and Archivist

Dmitry Kornyukhov

Founder of The Open Mic. Video game localization specialist. I help video game developers, game publishers and localization studios bring their projects to the Russian-speaking