Hanna Gembus

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offlineJoined August 6, 2016Advertising and/or copywriting, Business and/or commerce, Government, International organizations, Management and business processes, Marketing, PR and/or market research, Politics and public organizations
WORDS ARE FREE. IT'S HOW YOU USE THEM THAT MAY COST YOU. My job is to find the words that work best for your business. >> LANGOA.EU
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Dmitry Kornyukhov

Founder of The Open Mic. Video game localization specialist. I help video game developers, game publishers and localization studios bring their projects to the Russian-speaking

Magda Falcone

Freelance Translator (EN, FR, PT, ES > IT), Proofreader and Archivist

Beverly Hayes

I'm a wife and a mother to five beautiful children who's now become a Spanish Translator! I love what I do and believe in my