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offlineJoined April 24, 2016Banking and finance, Government, Medical instruments, Medicine (general), PharmaceuticalsGermany
EN, RU- LT translator: medical_devices, linguistic_validation, clinical_trials, pharmaceutical_translations, financial_translations. Languages: EN, RU, ES, DE, LT. Surf&Sea lover, fitness athlete
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Maysaa Abed

Freelance English Arabic Translator, and proofreader. I am a passionate Language learner. Please contact me at

Julia Thornton

Certified English to Russian translator (American Translators Association)

Magda Falcone

Freelance Translator (EN, FR, PT, ES > IT), Proofreader and Archivist

Dmitry Kornyukhov

Founder of The Open Mic. Video game localization specialist. I help video game developers, game publishers and localization studios bring their projects to the Russian-speaking

Bryner Villalobos Leiva

Freelance translator lookin for new experiences and sharing with people. If you want to see a bit of my writing (in Spanish) visit my blog