Ekaterina Kuimova

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offlineJoined June 9, 2017Business and/or commerce, Certificates, diplomas, licenses, CVs, Film and drama, General, Literature and/or poetry, Management and business processes, Music
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Olesya Zaytseva

Marketing communications for businesses | Engage with your Russian audience with tech-focused content and translation

Vova Zakharov

Hey, I’m back from my slumber! Now giving my best shot at running Gyglio ⚜️ Grows you global. I know a bit about running a

Gert Van Assche

At Datamundi we're paying a fair price to linguists and translators evaluating (label/score/tag) human translations and machine translations for large scale NLP research projects.

Elena Tereshchenkova

EN-RU translator. Make the world better one translation at a time & help companies connect with Russian speakers all around the world. Creator of I

Simon Akhrameev

Blogger, entrepreneur, certified English-Russian translator helping businesses expand to the Russian market since 2007 offering technical, legal, and marketing translation & localization services.

Dmitry Kornyukhov

Founder of The Open Mic. Video game localization specialist. I help video game developers, game publishers and localization studios bring their projects to the Russian-speaking